Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The worst thing a runner could hear...

One of the worst things about running is the risk of getting a sports injury. Since running is a high impact sport, the risk is quite high. I've been relatively blessed. I've had a few hip and knee problems...mostly just tightness in the ligaments and lactic acid build-up. Then last February I had my first ever sports massage. Now, I loooove getting massages. In fact, I love getting any services done. I could live at the spa. That was until I had a sports massage. My therapist, Kimber, specializes in myo-fascia release or something like that. Basically, it's a really deep tissue massage. Which translates into a LOT of pain. Let me describe it in this way...it feels as though someone is taking a scalpel and slicing my legs open. Apparently, that's what lactic acid build-up feels like. Back in February I was a bad runner. I wasn't stretching. I wouldn't train for long races. I would just show up and run. And I would pay for it in my torture sessions with Kimber. One session she was working on my feet and pointed out that I had plantar fasciitis which is a painful inflammatory condition of the foot. Ouch! So, I decided to take a break from running (Which lead to other problems that I will devote another blog too).
That was over 4 months ago and when I started training again, I made sure to be careful. I stretched before each run. I stretched after each run. I did yoga for cross-training. Everything was going well. And then I went for my first long run. I was sore the next day, which was to be expected, but when I tried to go for a short run...OOOOHHHH the pain!!!! So, I called my good friend Kimber. She came to my house, which I love, and started the massage. It was going well. My ITB (iliotibial band is tissue that runs along the outside of the thigh) was good. My hip flexors were good. The ligaments in my knees were a little tight, but nothing too bad. Even my plantar fasciitis was bearable. Then came the shins. She started to compress the shins and I jumped off the table! Never in my life have I felt such pain as that. And then she spoke the words, "Oh...you have shin splints." NOOOOOOOOOO! This was not good! This was really bad. Then she spoke the other bad words, "You really need to stay off of it for a week to 10 days." WHAT?!? I can't do that. I have a 7 mile run in 2 days. I'm going out of town next weekend for a running retreat. I can't not run! I pleaded my case to her. "I'll come back next Tuesday and we'll see how they're doing then. Until then, ice them for 15 minutes every 2 hours and take a couple Ibuprofin for inflammation. Oh. And no heels at the wedding." What!!! I'm also not allowed to wear heels! Well that crossed the line for me! I sweetly smiled and agreed to her conditions...with my fingers crossed behind my back.
Yesterday, she came back. And yesterday, everything was worse. (Maybe I shouldn't have worn heels at the wedding, especially with all the dancing I did. Oops) So here I am, writing and not running. It's a sad place to be for a runner. But hopefully not for long!Getting a massage in the comfort on my own...kitchen! Lol. The room that we normally use is full of classroom stuff. (See my other blog, A Dose of Reality)

The amazing Kimber Medrano. She is the best massage therapist around. And she is very reasonable!!! Plus, she'll come to your house. To book with her, email kl.medrano@yahoo.com or call 904.716.8236. Just mention me when you book!!!

More stories from the road to come.

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