Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back in August at the running retreat I went to, I learned about this website, I finally checked it out today and it is awesome. It is very user friendly. And...more is fun to use.
Basically, its a site that allows you to keep track of everything you do to stay fit. I love it because it is very women friendly! There is a section on calories. You simply put in the foods you eat and the amount you ate and it calculates how many calories you have eaten. It also tells you what you are missing in your diet!!!! Great!!! There is a section on activity where you plug in what activity you did and how long. It then uses your weight/height/etc... and calculated how many calories you burned. There's a section where you can journal. There's a mood section. There's a section on weight goals. The site is fabulous and highly recommend it to anyone that wants to lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight!
More stories from the road to come!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New kicks!

So I know I have been MIA...sorry. I haven't been able to run in a couple of weeks because I desperately needed new shoes. (I now believe my shoes were responsible for giving me my shin splints!) Apparently, you need to get new shoes every 450 miles or every6 months. I was a year overdue. The last pair of shoes I bought from a popular running store in Jacksonville. I honestly was never really happy with them. They were too big. They never seemed to fit me right. They were too heavy. Yadda, yadda, yadda. So I decided I would try a new store in town. They are called the Jacksonville Running Company. And I have to say...LOVE them!!! They really took the time to help me find a pair of running shoes that felt natural to me, which is what you want.
First, they scanned my feet. This gave them lots of information like my arch height, where my center of balance is (I'm near perfect-btw!), and where most of the weight is in my foot (it should be in the heel). Then they measured my foot length and width. We had all the information we needed to begin trying on shoes.
So Ted, that was my guy's name, went in the back and brought out a preliminary pair of shoes. I put them on and was then asked to get on a treadmill. They actually film you running to see what issues you may have. I overpronate on my right leg. We also talked about what I liked about the shoes I was wearing and what I didn't like. This gave him more information, so he went back to the back and brought out 3 more pairs of shoes. (This is the kind of service a girl could get used to). I promptly tried on those 3 pairs of shoes and settled on a pair of Mizuno's. But we weren't done! Time to go outside and hit the pavement. Super!!! I get to try running in my shoes before I buy them!!!
They are fabulous. I wore them on my 10 mile run and had no leg issues at all!
I highly recommend The Jacksonville Running Store to anybody that needs shoes in the Jacksonville area.

Here are my new shoes....

More stories from the road to come!