Thursday, July 30, 2009

It begins...

So in exactly 5 months and 17 days I will be 30. Because I'm not quite ready to be 30 I signed up for a race that will take place in exactly 5 months and 15 days. Not just any race. I had something to prove. I'm not going to take turning 30 lying down! I have to show myself that turning 30 is better than any year in my 20s. (Don't really know why I think this, but I do.) So I signed up for Disney's Goofy Challenge. It's a half marathon on Saturday followed by a full marathon on Sunday. Yes. I have signed up to run 39.3 miles in one weekend. Ha! I laugh at you 30!!!
Of course, now that the race is less than 6 months away, I am getting a little freaked out. I have decided to run the race using the Galloway training method, so I have signed up to go on a Galloway running retreat. I also know that I am very bad at making myself run all the time so I have signed up for the Galloway marathon training group. I have also begun running, which is really the important step in preparing for all of this. Here is my training schedule right now.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday- yoga for cross-training
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday- run
This is a very simple schedule and I know that as time goes it will have to change.
With all that said, let me tell you about my first running wardrobe malfunction.
I am no stranger to running. I have run in many races over the years. I even did the Inaugural 26.2 with Donna. I have never had any wardrobe mishaps. I've had other issues. Broken toenails, bad knees, shin splints, etc... But no issues with clothing. Until now.
It actually took me a day to realize what had caused this. Last Sunday, I had gone on my long run. It was about a 7-8 mile run. I live in Florida so it's really hot all the time and you sweat a lot. I like to run on the beach because there's more to look at and I don't get as bored. So I went on my long run and when I got home I showered and went on with my evening. Well later that night I felt a pain in the most horrible of butt. I felt around and realized I had a stripe of raised skin in the crack of my butt. I looked in the mirror and contorted my body to see if I could figure out what it was. What I saw looked like a red scratch. Now...I know you're thinking gross! But I do not scratch myself!!! That is when my hypochondriac mind started going crazy. Thoughts of rare parasites flooded my brain and images of having to go to the hospital and expose this intimate area to a doctor frightened me. It didn't put my head to rest that my legs were all tingly from some IcyHot I had put on them. For all I knew the parasite was causing my legs to tingle. I barely slept that night; afraid that if I fell asleep I would wake up to find my legs purple and limp. I awoke the next day and my legs were ok. I still had the mysterious, and painful, abrasian. That was when I had to figure out where this came from. I walked through my day, then realized it had to have happened when I went for my run. That was when I remembered that as I was running my underwear kept rubbing me the wrong way. There it was. The mystery sore was caused from a underwear chafing not a rare and deadly parasite. I have decided to invest in some underwear that is made for running so this will not happen again. I have also decided to seek help concerning my irrational thoughts, but that may be a lost cause...I am almost 30.
More stories from the road to come!!!


  1. Aw K :), you are so adorable! I love your writing style and I look forward to reading more. Even though I have a few more years left, I keep telling Hubby "I would REALLY like my first baby before I'm 30!" LOL - one can only hope and pray that Christ feels the same way about this ;).

    I am glad you found the answer to your mishap and that it is an easy fix. I'm pumped about your Disney run and I cannot wait to hear how that goes. I'm glad we have a way to stay connected like this. I miss hanging out with you.

    God Bless!

  2. K-You are hilarious! I'm sorry you went to sleep worrying-I wish you'd called me!

  3. I love your blog and am really glad you're doing this. I love you and can't wait to support you on your run at Disney :)
